Asked Questions
How do I adjust the size of the Bangle?
Often our clients discover the need to adjust the size of their bangles as their weight fluctuates or their exercise habits change. Adding or removing one of the expandable spring links is an easy operation.
Below are three drawings of the underside of a sequence of spring links. In Figure 1 the flat plate of one spring link has been bent up by about a quarter of an inch. (In the drawing the angle of the plate is slightly exaggerated.) Because the pure silver spring link is made from a soft metal This “mouth” of the link can be opened with a knife or even a strong fingernail.
With the plate up like this, the sliding U-bar joiner can pass through so that the links can be uncoupled (Fig. 2). With the desired number of links in place and the U-bar re-coupled, the mouth can be closed again by pressing the plate down with finger pressure (Fig 3).

We advise clients to purchase an extra spring link with each bangle in case their arm size should change in the future. The bangle should fit comfortably enough that the wearer is generally not aware of it on the arm. For better comfort most clients wear it with the gem section of the bangle touching the inside part of the arm.
Another description to evaluate is the youtube short video we made to show how a spring is inserted into the spring link
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