Get A Free Quote For A Nine Gem Bangle
In order to get a quote for what is considered to be the most powerful, karmically remedial of all astrological bangles, You will need to forward your personal horoscope and planetary gem analysis that is prepared by our detailed astrological software program. All you need to do is fill in your birth data on this page Gem Analysis . After you get the lengthy customized personal Vedic Horoscope please cut and paste the whole message and forward it to [email protected]
I will know you want a personalized quote just be receiving it. But if you want to include any other info feel welcome to do so.
You will then receive a free fascinating 16 page explanation of your karmic pattern. This is a reflection of your karmically based electromagnetic resonance pattern to the planetary radiations, and will detail a customized formula for which gems can counteract your weakened receptivity to the beneficial planetary radiations. The written explanation will list which gems are the most helpful to wear, down to the gems that are not as important..
The placement of all nine planets are evaluated in your chart and astrological gem recommendations are made in order to help balance your karmic pattern. Feel welcome to also send this free planetary gem analysis and horoscope to any friend you think may benefit from its introspective insights.
When you are ready to order, or if you have any questions, please contact us using the form on our contact page, or just send us an email to [email protected] requesting a quote along with the list of gems and their weights that have been recommended. I usually prefer that the interested prospective client also send the full horoscope they have received so that I can further analyze their horoscope and evaluate the recommendations in light of the stage of life they are in. To do this you will have to send it directly to [email protected] If this is not something that is of interest to you I suggest you read this page on the website.
Just so you can be sure you have sufficient information to decide about whether this type of blessing is important or not for you.
Also often missed by individuals is a service provided in the free horoscope gem-analysis and that is the naming of your birth star or Janma Nakshatra. This is needed if you have the good karma to understand how remedially effective the blessed puja's are that are performed in Amma's Brahmasthanam temple. I will happily suggest which pujas could greatly benefit you if you decide to proceed with purchasing a nine-gem bangle (Navaratna).
I will know you want a personalized quote just be receiving it. But if you want to include any other info feel welcome to do so.